What is and What is not an acceptable regrade request?
- You should keep in mind that we do not possess mind-reading abilities and consequently, while grading, we can only grade what we see on your exam paper not what was on your mind. It is not our job to “figure out” what you might mean; it is your job to “say” what you mean, in the manner of expressions established in lectures and textbooks.
All we have is the finished product of your writing, and this is what you are graded on.
This is exactly why“but I didn’t mean that but I actually meant that…”
is not an acceptable reason to send a regrade request.
- You should also keep in mind that most of us have been doing this job for a long time and we have a pretty good idea of what solution deserves how many points. For this reason, it does not matter what you believe your solution deserves. In that respect,
“I believe my solution deserves more…so can you check again”
is not an acceptable reason to send a regrade request either. In other words, we are not going to accept any regrade request objecting/arguing/criticizing the grading rubric itself!
- Similarly,
“at least I found a correct final numerical answer even if my justification is incorrect or insufficient, so I believe that I should get extra points from here or there”
may not be an acceptable reason either. Because correct answers with incorrect justification are only *accidentally* correct; they may receive no credit according to the grading rubric. So check the rubric carefully, and please be aware of the fact that regrading request is NOT the right place for bargaining for points.
- The regrading period allows students to realize their mistakes and to provide double-check opportunities with their exam papers in case of any possible errors, such as submitting the wrong/missing item(s), and so inconsistency with the rubric and your grading, etc… We expect you to decide whether or not there is such an inconsistency, and if so, then send a regrade request.
- Note that sending regrade requests does not always mean that you will get extra credit, in fact, in some cases it may also lead to lose a credit during the re-evaluation process!
Perhaps, we should finally point out that if you try to abuse the Gradescope’s regrade request system by sending regrade requests for the whole exam or sending obviously unnecessary regrade requests, then we may have to make you deal with the more formal procedure next time if you wish your exam to be regraded.
To sum up, please send a regrade request only if you genuinely believe that there has been a mistake in the grading of your exam.